Soft and cute wool

April 22th, 2015   One of the most softest sorts of wool comes from the alpaca. This is a lama like animal, but waaaay cuter! And softer… The wool is very expensive though, because the alpaca only lives on high places in the mountains in Peru. But look at those cute faces… It’s so adorable!!ContinueContinue reading “Soft and cute wool”

HOW TO empty your mind

April 21th, 2015   One of the most difficult things to do is clearing your mind. You’re thinking about the groceries or something that happened and after a while you feel like your brain is going to explode. This is called overthinking. It’s good to think about things, but too much is never good. HereContinueContinue reading “HOW TO empty your mind”

The day after

March 21th, 2015 Photoshoot. Had my first experience in assisting at a set. Everybody was very busy and we didn’t have enough time to finish everything in time. It was a lot of fun though and I hope I can experience something like this again soon!  

The day after

March 19th, 2015 Chique party at the university. I almost forgot how much fun those random and chique parties are.. especially when you only know one person. Made some fun friends over there, who I’ll probably never see again!